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What is new in 2023

By February 1, 2023No Comments

As Acquios Advisors enters our ninth year in business and the Acquios Alliance continues to grow and add more vendors, we are excited to be able to challenge you to review the list of businesses now associated with the Acquios Alliance and see how they can help you to run a better more independent practice.

We have some new vendors to mention; Optical Vantage, an independent lab with an amazing owner/operator, Review Wave and HIPAAmate. Believe it or not, it makes HIPAA fun. Ask us more, we will get you introduced. New frame vendors are coming on soon as well.

From the operations side, not only do we offer you a great option for a team retreat to a great city, Nashville, Tennessee will be host to the second Living your Mission event. We look forward to seeing doctors and staff in person to energize your team to deliver an amazing patient experience while building appreciation of each and every one of your team members and the roles they play! This is a new year, and the past is behind. Please join us in Nashville for this event on April 14th and 15th. It is going to be invaluable.

You spoke, we listened and have acted. We are launching our Leadership workshop in the coming weeks. This program is going to guide managers and owners on how to manage your practices. This multi month program will be interactive, insightful, and full of valuable knowledge. Learn to manage and guide your team to be the best in your business’s history.  Stay tuned on our FB pages for more details to register and join the program.

2023 is going to be filled with success for all. Choose to be successful, write down your goals, track your progress, and be the catalyst you want, and your team needs. We are here to support and drive each and every one of you.

Make it the year you want; utilize the resources you see here within this newsletter. Together we will succeed!



Rick Guinotte, CEO and Co-Founder