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Year End

We Did It Again!

By Communications, Goals, Planning, Small Business Owner, Year End
We Did It Again! In our ever-changing industry, Acquios Advisors sees where our clients excel, and we pay attention to where we see opportunities for growth. In the past, colleges offered courses on opticianry. We decided it is time to bring this back and get our opticians excited about the job they are performing. We are teaming up with Doug Pelkey and his team at Europa and Ron Vinceslio, one of our most loyal and trusted vendor partners, to deliver the first ever Acquios Alliance Opticianry Cornerstone Training and Enhancement Workshop this October in the beautiful city of Chicago. Joining…
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Tell Your Story

By Communications, Goals, Planning, Small Business Owner, Year End
Tell Your Story The halfway point of the year is around the corner. Kids have completed another year of school and before you know it, they will be back to start the new school year. The peak quarter for most offices will follow and the end of the year will be upon us. Now is the time to re-energize and motivate your team. I have conducted many on-site visits this year with more to come. I have seen some offices executing and delivering amazing patient interactions as you would all love to experience. Unfortunately, I have seen the opposite as…
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Don’t Live on an Island

By Communications, Goals, Planning, Small Business Owner, Year End
Don't Live on an Island The first quarter is already in the mirror but 75% of the year lies ahead. The first quarter was exciting and fast. You are going to see new vendors added to the Acquios Alliance and more coming down the road. I met with many business leaders of various vendors at Vision Expo East. They are ready, willing, and able to help us take Acquios Alliance to a new level. Keep an eye open for many exciting new events to make you and your team better. Recently, I have seen many posts on social media sites…
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Looking Forward to the Future

By Communications, Goals, Planning, Small Business Owner, Year End
Looking Forward to the Future The Holidays are upon us and 2024 will be here before we know it. As this year is coming to an end, it is always great to reflect on what went well and celebrate achievements. It is also a great opportunity for reflecting on experiences you were not satisfied with. Challenge yourself to celebrate exciting achievements in the new year when they happen. Be careful of not saying to yourself, I will tell the team tomorrow. While the situation is fresh in everyone’s mind, talk it through, take notes and learn from all, what could…
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Easier Is Not Always Better

By Communications, Goals, Planning, Small Business Owner, Year End
Easier Is Not Always Better It is amazing to see that August is already here and the fourth quarter is coming fast. Owning and managing a business in these past couple of years has been anything but boring. We have all faced challenges with staffing levels, availability, illness, changes in the industry, making investments to better grow your business, and of course managing the processes within the office to make certain the patient care is at a level we all want, and they expect. When speaking with many of our clients, discussing appointment book management, inventory management, vision plans, cash…
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20/20 Vision for the New Year

By Financial Planning, Goals, Planning, Year End
Reflection and Goals: Those are two things that come to mind when approaching the end of one year, and the beginning of another. They seem to have even more importance when entering the new decade. This is a chance to examine what has brought you success and what has brought challenges either within the last year or the last couple years. Reviewing your short and long-term goals can help decide the targets for the new year. Additionally, this is a time to examine how you want to grow your practice in the long term. You can set benchmarks for your…
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