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Social Media Empowering Confidence

By August 2, 2023No Comments

People are braver today than ever. They are confident when there is not a face in front of them and they don’t have to worry about an immediate response from others when they are asking a question, making a statement, or asking for guidance. The number of platforms available for people to share their questions, thoughts, concerns, praises, complaints, and ideas are expanding and growing every month. From Neighborhood, industry specific, review sites such as Google, Yelp, and other apps is exponentially increasing. People are sharing, and willing to share, from an electronic device from the comfort of their own homes. They share at any time of the day or night. Possibly when they have had a bad day or a little too much fun after a long week. Today, in this article, I want to focus on information shared on Optometrist specific sites.

You might ask yourself, what is Rick talking about? I will be the first to say, I participate in many of the ODs on……. Pages. There are many times I need to stop myself from responding because the nature of the question or questions being asked requires more information from the person asking to give proper directions. We have said since January of 2015, here at Acquios Advisors, every client’s office is unique and there is no one answer for all offices. Don’t get me wrong, I think these platforms are a great   resource for people to learn but we need to be careful of expecting to get each answer we need to make the right impact on your office. What is right for one office is going to be different than what is right for another. As the newest round of ODs completing their education and passing their board exams enter the market for hire, I see numerous questions about what a fair compensation for an Optometrist in an office generating a specific amount of money. I love the collaboration and thoughts being shared. It is great to see the community coming together to help guide one and all to be better. But I will say, there are a few factors to consider when looking at what is necessary in a compensation package for an associate in a practice.

I see repeatedly, on sites, the going rate for an OD is $600.00 per day. I am not saying that is not accurate in some states, but does it work for every office? The per diem will vary in areas of the US and Canada. Before making such a bold statement, does the office offer other benefits? Is there a bonus, reimbursement for CE, vacation days, PTO, cell phone service, retirement plan, maternity leave and more? How many patients will the office expect the associate to see per day, per hour? What is the office’s break-even point per OD day? How many patients does the associate need to care for to achieve and exceed the break-even? All items the owners know about their office or should know about their office. If you do not, please let us know. We have a tool for that.

New grads are asking for larger than ever guarantees to start their new career and what a great career they have selected to be a part of. We must make sure we are looking at your situation and not because we see the post on this group or that group stating we need to pay this or that amount of money to hire an associate.

To you younger ODs and new grads, ask more questions as you interview with various private practices, commercial companies, chains and more. Learn what will be expected of you in the practice. How many patients are you expecting me to see per hour and per day? Will I be required to deliver care using new technology such as Tele optometric lanes? Are you comfortable doing this? Can you deliver full scope optometric care in this practice? Can you prescribe specialty contact lenses? Offer Myopia management to patients who would benefit?  How about Dry eye treatments and such?

The compensation package being presented will always be tied to expectations. Again, no two offices are identical and can offer the same compensation packages. The offices hiring need to share what they offer for quality care and what makes this office special and different from others. Remember, fixed expenses in California will be and are higher than most every other state in the US. Rent in Brooklyn NY will be higher than what we see people negotiating in Wyoming. The cost of doing business per square foot is going to vary, therefore the compensation packages will fluctuate as well. Social media posts FAIL to be 100% accurate because one never knows. Bonus structures are there to bring balance to the owner and the employee.

Social media is making people braver, and, in many cases, I have seen new grads be too demanding asking far too much for their initial contracts or even at renewal time. Be careful as some of these organizations offering very handsome packages are going to force you to make sacrifices in how you practice. I am not saying they will compromise your quality, but they will more than likely narrow your scope of practice. You invested four plus years in your professional education and deserve to be happy. Take time to learn more and understand the practice you are considering for employment. Be careful. You cannot teach the same trading emails or texts. Schedule time to be face to face and conduct a healthy conversation.

Another fact to consider is the plan for the existing OD or ODs in the office. He or she may be close to exiting the practice. Don’t just look at the here and now! Look three years forward and see where the office will be and what opportunities will you be presented? All owners reading this will nod their heads as you read this next sentence. When I started this practice, I did not get a vacation day for a period, I did not get a paycheck until X months after opening or acquiring my practice.

I am not suggesting any doctor works without pay but there needs to be growth, commitment to network oneself in the community and prescribe what is best for the patients’ needs and lifestyle. This is where the bonus piece comes in. The bonus is an equalizer. This is the tool to reward the associate for their contribution to the success of the practice. For those of you I worked with associate agreements, you know I am all for taking care of those that take care of you.

Not only is social media encouraging people to ask for higher compensation, better retirement plans and more, but it is also some of the guidance being given by the Optometric Schools. Advice being given by the schools by people unaware of the rising costs of doing business. It is up to each and every one of us to help educate students and newer grads on just how great your practice is for the patients, your team, and how great it will be for them as a professional. We have a tool to teach people to budget their personal finances. Please request it from us. Email us at for this tool. It will help people to see just how good they can live on $100K per year with their student loans and other monthly expenses. It is all about teaching people to live within their means.

Yes, I focused on associate compensation in this article. The same questions and direction apply to your other team members. It is interesting. The other day I was reading an article about why a company generating $18 Million dollars per year should pay significant fines to improve the safety of the industry it is in. Well, just because a business generates 18 million dollars per year does not mean it has large amounts of money to pay to invest more in the safety of that industry. They have their Cost of Goods, fixed, staff and variable expenses, just like you. Top line dollars don’t tell the whole story, neither do social media posts. Do your homework and be aware of the opportunity you can present. Be confident and be proud. Choose the right office for yourself as a professional. Hire the right professional for your office and your opportunity. The right position is out there, and the right professionals will be there for you.


Thank you all,

Rick Guinotte